2025 pricing

Type of Fish Size (inches) Price (100 minimum for all species and sizes) Quantity (Ponds < 1 acre) Quantity (Ponds > 1 acre)
Channel Catfish 6 to 8 $1 each. 100 minimum. 100 to 500 per acre (no bass) 200 per acre or less (with bass)
Coppernose Bluegill & Redear
Sunfish Mix (15% Redear)
1 to 3

3 to 5

$400 per 1000
$45 per 100

$1 each
1,000 per acre 1,000 per acre
Certified Pure Florida Largemouth Bass 1.75-2
2 to 2.5
2.5 to 3

$1 each
$2 each
$3 each
Additional 25% surcharge for orders under 500 fish
Not Recommended 100 per acre (new lakes)
50 to 100 per acre (existing lakes)
Threadfin Shad
(Delivery Only)
3 to 6

2 to 3
Spring Shad $600 per 1,000. 5,000 minimum within 1 hour, 5,000 per additional hour.
Summer Shad $250 per 1000 in July. 10,000 minimum within 1 hour, 10,000 per additional hour.
Not Recommended 250 to 500 per acre
Fathead Minnows 1.5 to 3 $40 per 1000 2,000 per acre 2,000 per acre
Tilapia Mosambique 4 to 8 $15 per lb. April and May.
$105 minimum
10 to 20 lb per acre 10 to 20 lb per acre

Black Crappie and Hybrid Striped Bass are available in limited supply from November through March.

All stocking recommendations are at or below those of the Texas Chapter of American Fisheries Society.

Minimum $2,500 fish purchase required for delivery within one hour of the farm, plus a $100 per hour delivery fee. Minimum fish purchase increases by $2,500 for every additional hour away from the farm. For a detailed quote, please call 903.849.2081 or email sales@tylerfishfarm.com.

You may visit our Retail Shed by appointment from 8 am until 5 pm on Thursdays from February-June, October and November. The Retail Shed is closed July, August and September.

Prices on website are subject to changE

Hard to catch Pure Florida Bass? Guess not! Here's a client with 11 pounds on one bait. A 7 and a 4 pounder.

Hard to catch Pure Florida Bass? Guess not! Here's a client with 11 pounds on one bait. A 7 and a 4 pounder.